This is No12
Number Twelve Fine Wines & Provisions is the one-stop supplier for all your provisioning needs, we have experts at hand for your wine, spirit, and food requests. Located in Malta, Mallorca & Barcelona, our team are ready to organise and deliver orders to your yacht or villa, to any location across the Mediterranean. Our knowledgeable team has over 88 years of combined experience in the yachting and hospitality industry. This is why we are confident we can assist you every step of the way.
We pride ourselves on being part of Salvo Grima Group, one of the premier, ship chandlery companies in the Mediterranean. Our business is built on a history of 160 years in the supply of ocean-going vessels, and over 10 years running dedicated yacht supplies.
We have kept our focus on our four pillars - provenance, partners, premium personal service, and peace of mind - to ensure that you, our clients, are guaranteed the best possible products and services.
Provenance: To ascertain the best quality of both food and wine, we ensure the right provenance and storage of each product.
Partners: We are only as strong as our weakest link and it is therefore integral we select the very best partners in the business, to ensure excellent service and quality.
Premium Personal Service: Our strong 'can do' attitude ingrained in our company culture and our passion for food, wine and quality are what separates us from other suppliers.
Peace of Mind: To ensure that you, our clients, are guaranteed the best possible service.
Our well-stocked, temperature-controlled cellars located in Mallorca, Barcelona and Malta offer you some of the finest wines and spirits available anywhere in the world. This carefully crafted selection caters to the yachting industry's non-stop needs and sophisticated tastes. Above all, we pride ourselves on our 'can-do' attitude. We do our utmost to help our clients get the product they need in the right place, at the right time ....and at the right price.